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Mr. Mom

Being a part-time working Mommy and all, Chad often gets to play “Mr. Mom” (and does a awesome job at it too!).  Although many “mommy” and “daddy” roles overlap (feeding, bathing, playing, and reading to name a few), I believe that there are certain roles that are just meant to be carried out by a certain sex.  One of these is dressing the children…it is just not a daddy’s fortay (well, at least not our Daddy’s).  And I’m not just talking about picking out presentable outfits.  Case in point …

Hudson to me after I had asked Chad to get him ready for the pool – “Mommy, my bathing suit hurts!”

Chad did not even notice this dressing mishap until Hudson started complaining (and falling everytime he tried to walk)

Gotta love daddys!  Speaking of, a certain Daddy turns 35 tomorrow.  Birthday post coming soon!

The 4th 2011

The 4th of July …. truly one of my favorite holidays.  I love celebrating the birthday of our amazing country.  It is always such a happy and celebratory holiday and really makes me appreciate the freedom we all have every day in America.  Not to mention the 4th is always a weekend spent in the sun and water…two perfect places to be in my book.  As an added bonus, this year in honor of the holiday both of my children both slept until 10:00 am TWO DAYS IN A ROW over the holiday weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  What are they, teenagers?????  So random, but very much appreciated! (I have to note that I even slept in until 9:00 which I haven’t done in probably a year or more…yay for rest!)  

We spent the long weekend at home (although Mommy & Daddy were able to sneak away for an afternoon adult trip to the coast….thank you Nana & Pops!).  We pretty much spent the entire weekend in a pool (hence the abundance of sleep by my kiddos).  We joined the Summerbrooke pool a few months ago and have been trying to go as much as possible to get Hud and Leyton enjoying swimming.  It has definitely worked because these two LOVE to be in that pool!  Hudson had lessons and is really turning into quite the little fish (and for the first time in his short 2.8 years of life has tan lines — not to worry the child is constantly covered in SPF 5000).  Here are some pictures of our fun in the sun.

“Happy Birthday America” breakfast

I always thought that maybe Hudson would become a swimming star because he was born right in the middle of the 2008 Olympics where swimmer Michael Phelphs won like a gazillion gold medals (I literally watched Phelps win at least 3 gold medals while I was in the hospital giving birth).  Although Hud can only swim a couple of feet at the moment, who knows, maybe one day?????  He is getting better every day…so proud of our little fish.

My baby girl

Nana…squirt gun AND cannonball champion!  (no joke)

Hud and I rounded out the weekend by going to his very first fireworks show.  It took an ice cream sandwich and half a cupcake to keep him sugared up for the late night, but he made it and enjoyed every minute of the show.  I love watching him experience things for the first time.   It was so great to see the look on his face when he saw fireworks shooting through the night sky.  Experiencing a child’s excitement and amazement is such a blessing…really makes you appreciate the simple things.  Happy 4th!


I believe the “spaghetti picture” is a right of passage for all babies and toddlers.  They make great rehearsal dinner shots  :)  I know I love these pictures of my carb-lovin’ babies.  Bon Appetit!

Leyton – 1 year old

Hudson – 1  1/2 years old (taken over a year ago and it honestly feels like just yesterday…how does that happen?)

Leyton Turns 1!

One year ago this little ray of sunshine came into our lives and made Chad and I a mommy and daddy for the second time, and 22 month old Hudson a big brother.  In just one short year, Leyton has brought so much light and happiness into our lives.    Thank you Lord for our Leyton…thank you for her laughter (cackle really), beautiful smile, healthy appetite, golden curls, chubby thighs, and amazing sleeping habits…. all of which bring our whole family such delight every day!

Leyton was lucky enough to spend her first birthday in my hometown at Kiki and Poppi John’s house.  She was spoiled rotten to say the least on her special day.  The day started off with a new baby doll and Kiki’s special teddy bear-shaped blueberry pancakes…what could be better!

Cutest booty I’ve ever seen! (Bloomers courtesy of Aunt “Iz”)

Then it was onto the party prep.  Brother of the birthday girl was a GREAT help with the cupcakes (he was an especially good taste-tester).  Hudson handled the whole “all the attention is on Leyton cause it is her birthday” thing amazingly well (I have to admit I was surprised).  I was so proud of him…such a good big brother.

We thought it would be fun to be at my parents for Leyton’s bday and things worked out great because my life-long dearest friend Andrea, was able to be in IHB as well with her two kiddos (Brady 3 1/2 and Emery 1), so we had party guests!  A  couple of my parents best friends and Grammie came to the big bash too.  It ended up being such a perfect party….I really got to enjoy all of the kids and I think Leyton really had such a fun time.


Leyton’s special handmade birthday banner made with love by Miss Andrea.

Best part of turning 1?  Your own personal “smash” cake! (I kind of wish I would have had one of these on the birthdays I celebrated during my pregnancies…Ha!)

This picture was taken about 2 minutes before the Birthday Girl decided to dive head-first into the coffee table (and about 2 minutes before her first party guests arrived).  Nothin’ like a shiner on your big day.  Scared Mommy half to death…I am sure she had a mean headache, but she was a trooper and pushed through the party in good spirits (thank you Infant Motrin!)

I think Leyton has her first crush.  Wouldn’t it be great if these two made a love connection one day?!?!?!

Emery…this child is hilarious.  The true life of the party!

I have been trying to get this white boy to dance his whole life…what finally does it?  Gaga…go figure

I think she liked her cake….

Thank you so much to Kiki and Poppi John for hosting the big celebration.  It was the MOST special day and even though Leyton won’t remember it, I will :)  And I loved it ever part of it.

I can’t wait to see what this next year will bring with my sweet little girl.  We started music class today and to say she loved it is putting it mildly.  I wonder what else she will love…I can’t wait to find out.   We love you Leyton monster (our family’s affectionate nickname for the little lady)! xoxoxo

Almost 1

I can hardly believe it. Leyton will be 1 in 1 week.  Where has the time gone?!?!?!? I remember this time last year I was patiently awaiting the arrival of my sweet girl. Those last few weeks of pregnancy are such an exciting (although uncomfortable) time.  For me at least, those last weeks were filled with very little sleep and millions of questions swirling though my mind…Will I go into labor tonight?  Will my water break in public? What will she look like? Will she be healthy? How the heck am I going to handle two children?  Miss Leyton did not come before my scheduled C-section date, so I never did get to experience the whole “going into labor” experience….but when she did come, she was more than I ever dreamed of and more.  It was love at first sight :) 

I took these pictures over the past couple of days and although I may be biased, she is the most precious thing I have ever seen.  I literally can’t get enough of this 20+ pounds of sweet little girl.  Here is a look at what Miss L is into lately.


Drinking out of “big girl” sippys

Sometimes crawling…

and sometimes WALKING! (this milestone occurred on May 19th)

Playing with Layla

Playing with trains

And of course playing with her big bro!


Memorial Day weekend took us back to Alligator Point, this time with the Mayfield family.  Beach, food, friends, beer, baby pools, slip n slide, naps, birthday party, food, and more food…I think that about sums it up :) The kids had an absolute ball…we will turn Hud into a beach bum yet!  A big thank you to the Mayfield’s for a wonderful weekend at their beautiful beach home.  Truly a little slice of heaven …. 

My sweet sandy almost 1year old (tear).

My sweet, super sandy, almost 3 year old

The Gardner kids with darling Regan, our hostess with the mostess

This is what being a kid is all about.  Nothing but complete and utter elation here.

Such a “Chad” face

Seriously, Regan is the cutest, sweetest, most polite 2 year old ever…love this child

We headed a little further west on Sunday to celebrate a sweet friend’s 3rd birthday.  Such a great late afternoon on the beach with the kiddos. Lovin’ the sandbars…

Note to self …ALWAYS BRING AN EXTRA BATHING SUIT ON OUTINGS! (We had a little accident on the way to the party). Thank you Eva for sharing you size 2T suit – which was really not that big for this little chunker munker.

There are no words…

Someone’s excited about the cupcakes!

P.S. – So I will always remember this particular holiday weekend, I have to add that this was the Memorial Day weekend where I cut my hand (while attempting to cut an avocado) and ended up having to travel back to Tallahassee at 7pm Saturday night to get stitches.  Oh yes, total party-foul.  Nothing like tons of blood, tons of pain, two kids and an annoyed – but sweet and sympathetic – husband who missed out on a gourmet home cooked meal to drive us all 50 minutes to the nearest clinic (i.e. Tallahassee’s Patients First).   5 stitches later, I am fine …just a little embarrassed of my clumsiness :)  Guacamole anyone?!?!

May 20, 2011 marked 5 years of wedding bliss for me and my sweet wonderful hubby.  5 years, 2 kids, 1 dog  – I would call us VERY blessed.  I still can’t believe I have been lucky enough to share my life with my best friend.  I love you Chaddy….more every day.

Kiki headed up to Tally to watch the kiddos and off we went to the beaches of 30A for a anniversary getaway. Its hard to believe that this place exists just a short 2 hours from Tallahassee.  The torquiose water, the white sand beaches, the fabulous restaurants, the great shopping …  I. LOVE. IT. HERE.

Bud & Alleys, Seaside …  where this stud asked me to be his wife. The weather was much nicer this weekend than it was that night.  Luckily a little drizzle didn’t stop him from proposing on the beach.  Such happy memories at this special restaurant.  The view from the deck never ceases to amaze me…it is absolutely breathtaking! 

Dinner at Alys Beach.  This place is incredible…if you haven’t eaten here http://www.calizarestaurant.com/ you need to….beyond amazing food and atmosphere. (Liz, if you are reading this, we are totally going here for your 30th birthday :))

Lunch at another scrumptous Alys Beach restaurant.

Such a relaxing and fun weekend. Can’t wait to do it again next year :)  (Kiki, did you read that?!?…thank you again for taking such good care of H&L)

Poor Leyton.  Not many toy options around this house except trains, trucks, and more trains and trucks.  She does have some dolls and lots of stuffed animals but she is WAY more interested in the male-inspired play things.  Oh well…at least I can dress her cute while she pushes around her trucks!  Love this video of Little Miss (getting so close to walking!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afkcjE-GQS0

Hud in the real deal

Ok, stop the cuteness. Hudson’s first official class picture!  Love his adorable classmates and amazing teachers, but I especially love how genuinely happy Hud looks.  I can’t wait for more great years at Faith Preschool in the future!